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In Colorado, a person may carry a concealed firearm, regardless of a permit, while in a private automobile or other private conveyance, for lawful protection while traveling.1 However, as of 2024, Colorado requires that all unattended handguns left in vehicles must be stored within a locked hard-sided container that is placed out of plain view and stored within a locked vehicle or trunk thereof. A firearm that is not a handgun may be stored in a soft-sided container, but must have a locking device installed on the firearm while stored in the soft-sided container.2

Colorado law provides that local governments may not restrict a person’s ability to travel in a private automobile or other private conveyance while in possession of a firearm for hunting or lawful protection while traveling.3

Colorado prohibits any person from possessing or having under his or her control any firearm other than a handgun in or on any motor vehicle unless the chamber of the firearm is unloaded.4

Subject to limited exceptions, the state prohibits any person from operating or riding on any snowmobile with a long gun in his or her possession, unless it is unloaded and enclosed in a carrying case. Since March, 2020, Colorado has allowed people to carry loaded handguns on snowmobiles. 5


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  1. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-12-105(2)(b). See also Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-12-204(3), providing that no permit is required to carry a handgun within a private automobile or other private conveyance if the handgun is carried for a legal use and the possessor is not prohibited from possessing a firearm by law.
  2. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-12-114.5.
  3. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-12-105.6(2)(b).
  4. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 33-6-125.
  5. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 33-14-117(1)(b).